The Fire Within Mobile Pizza Conference – Day 2
Oct 20, 2015The Fire Within mobile pizza Conference, attended by guest blogger, Kylie before the dragon wagon was born. Day 2 of 3 of the pizza workshop. I will not lie and tell you that I didn’t wake up to the thrice darned alarm, playing soft, happy and entirely situation appropriate music, and regret staying up past 11 the night before. The 7:20 am wake up time hurts to remember (all you... Read More
Forno Bravo Pizza Oven Expo 2015
Aug 24, 2015A Gathering of Wood Fired Oven Enthusiasts Salinas, CA, August 24, 2015 – Forno Bravo, a leading manufacturer of wood fired pizza ovens, based in Salinas, CA, has announced the Forno Bravo Expo 2015. The Expo, held on the grounds of Talbott Vineyards, is a celebration of pizza ovens, great food and a gathering of wood fired cooking enthusiasts. WHAT: The Forno Bravo Expo features live cooking demonstrations and seminars... Read More

The Fire Within Mobile Pizza Conference – Day 1
Jul 20, 2015The Fire Within mobile pizza Conference, attended by guest blogger, Kylie before the dragon wagon was born. Day 1 of 3 of the pizza workshop. Now that A Girl and Her Dragon Pizza is officially launched. Let me share with you one of the highlights of the journey so far: The Fire Within’s mobile pizza oven business and cooking workshop. My school is great, so nary a feather ruffles... Read More
And so it begins….A Girl and Her Dragon!
May 14, 2015And so it begins…. My quest began sometime in June 2014, sitting with a glass of lemonade and more family members than you could shake a pizza peel at. Before I finish that story, some background information is in order. My name is Kylie, Kylie Holland if you want to get fancy, Kylie Kies Holland if you’re my mother and I’ve misplaced something rather important, like a young cousin (it... Read More

A Girl and Her Dragon takes flight! – May 7th
May 08, 2015It’s official, Kylie’s Dragon has taken flight, (still waiting for the Dragon to be named). It started a little rocky, as debut’s often do, but, they got it straightened out fast and the launch of A Girl and her Dragon Wood Fired Pizza Catering was a fiery success. Over a hundred attendees and students at the Nueva School’s Quest night were able to take a break from seeing projects and grab a... Read More

A Girl and her Dragon Wood Fired Catering – Coming Soon
Apr 17, 2015Kylie, as part of her Nueva School’s “Quest” program, has decided to launch a Wood Fired Catering Business! A Girl and her Dragon Wood Fired Pizza. The Quest program give students the opportunity to pursue their own interests throughout their high school experience. Forno Bravo is proud to support young entrepreneur Kylie as she seeks to launch her very own wood-fired catering company. A Girl and Her Dragon Pizza will... Read More

Mobile Pizza Oven Catering Craze
Apr 07, 2015Have you ever been to a festival or farmer’s market where there was a pizza vendor using a wood fire oven? Most likely there was a swarm of people lined up to buy a hot, crispy pizza as fast as they could come out of the oven which makes pizza oven mobile catering a successful business venture. This success has led to a mobile pizza oven catering craze! A Forno... Read More
I can’t Wait!
Feb 24, 2015I have been building this up for months to all my friends, family, colleagues, the gardeners, the repairman and anyone else who would listen. Ever since I decided I wanted my own Forno Bravo wood-fired pizza oven, I have been talking about all the wonderful things I am going to bake in the new oven – bread, meats, and most importantly the pizza everyone was dying to try. I spent... Read More

Commercial Support portal
Nov 18, 2014For those of you who own / operate a business using a Forno Bravo oven, we have been adding a lot of support content to our website. It isn’t linked on the main page, but you can access this documentation through our support portal. There is a lot of great content in their including manuals, FAQs and Preventive Maintenance procedures. We will announce new content as it goes up. The... Read More