They Seem to Like It—Food Truck Edition
May 14, 201297% of food truck owners surveyed answered the question—”are you happy that you are doing this?” with Yes. That’s amazing. You can read the complete article in Read More
More Food Truck Numbers
May 14, 2012From WCTV in Tallahassee—Food Truck Boom in Tallahassee. They are riding the wave of the fastest growing business in Florida. According to Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation, there are 60 food trucks registered in Leon County alone. That has more than doubled since 2008. “It’s growing tremendously. Statewide in 2008 about 2500, now about 3,000 and we are seeing people embracing this new business model and they are reaching... Read More
10/30/60 Whole Wheat Loaves, and Some Great Bruschetta
May 13, 2012In a way, this was a little bit like leftovers. You know how you always end up with odds and ends of flour in various bags in your cupboard. Today I mixed together three different flours to come with a nice blend of 10% whole wheat, 30% while whole wheat and 60% general purpose (not bread) flour to make a new 1kg (2.2 lb) batch of bread. Because I changed... Read More
TJ's Wood-Fired Pizza in SoCal
May 13, 2012“Guide: Where to find daily food trucks lots” in the Orange County Register leads me to a Forno Bravo oven on a wood-fired catering trailer. Sunday: Where: OC Great Park Farmers Market, IrvineTime: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Trucks: Crepes Bonaparte, Calbi, Barcelona on the Go, TJ’s Woodfire Pizza, Chomp Chomp, Rolling Sushi + 1-2 rotating trucks Check out TJ’s Woodfire Pizza. That’s our oven! Their Margherita Pizza was voted in... Read More
Where Forno Bravo is Going
May 12, 2012Tim Cook, president of Apple, back in January 2009: “We believe in the simple, not the complex. We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products we make and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.” Read More
3 Unexpected Reasons to Have an Outdoor Fireplace
May 12, 2012From And the three unexpected reasons to have an outdoor fireplace are: 1. A vertical focal point. 2. Structure and definition. 3. Light and warmth. One thing I like about the article is the introduction—which sounds very similar to my Outdoor Fireplace posting the other day (cool spring days). Having trouble heading back inside as sunny spring days turn cold at sunset? Outdoor fire features are a great way... Read More
A Different Kind of Outdoor Living Space
May 12, 2012This from the Chicago Tribune. Outdoor spaces becoming hot destinations for homeowners I would rather have an outdoor kitchen with a pizza oven and a fireplace—but did you notice the train set? Read More
Innovating the Outdoor Fireplace: Part 2
May 11, 2012Today I want to add more information to my previous posting on Innovating the Outdoor Fireplace by adding a parallel between the outdoor pizza oven and the outdoor fireplace. If you were to flash back four years, before Forno Bravo introduced the Primavera series (and later the Andiamo series) ovens, you would see a pizza oven market dynamic similar to today’s outdoor fireplace market. Not only had Forno Bravo not... Read More
Have Food Trucks Gone Too Far?
May 11, 2012I got a real kick out of this first-class rant by Los Angeles public radio commentator and performer Sandra Tsing Loh. This comes from It’s just true and funny. It reminds me of the “beer flavored beer” ads that featured Denis Leary. Tsing Loh’s radio piece, which aired on Pasadena’s KPCC station can be heard here, or you can read a transcript of the piece. Her complaints included: God... Read More