Rolling Out the Dough
Mar 21, 2016I spent longer than I’d like to admit thinking of halfway decent puns that involve the word “dough.” I’m not sure why, this post is a pretty straightforward recollection of how I found at the dough I use today. Well, to be honest, getting the dough wasn’t all too straightforward. I had to go through half a dozen contacts, two different companies (one twice), and some less-than ideal recipes. I... Read More

Bad Weather and Pizza Ovens
Feb 04, 2016As a resident of California for the past 17 years, I believe that I can officially claim the title of spoiled summer child. As much as I would like to deny it, I simply can’t take the cold. A brisk breeze sends me running in search of a coat (much to my Virginian father’s amusement), and I adamantly believe that the best way to experience a snowstorm is inside one’s... Read More

A Girl and Her Dragon Summer Party
Dec 14, 2015Last I wrote, we’d just wrapped up my first event, the Nueva School Quest night. Lots of people, lots of pizza, lots of fun (I know, I know, a bit clichéd, but very true!). Little did I know that that night was nothing in comparison to my next function: the Foundation Capital Summer party! Foundation Capital is the venture capital firm where my dad (Paul Holland) works. They do as... Read More

A Girl and Her Dragon – Quest Night
Nov 04, 2015It was a few months after the conference that I found myself contentedly looking over my progress. The applications were submitted, the oven was built and beautiful, so is it really any surprise that I overlooked one eensy weensy detail? Because of a series of comical/endlessly frustrating/I-am-beginning-to-understand-the-attraction-of- anarchy regulatory delays, I hadn’t actually made any pizza (without professional supervision) yet. Easy thing to overlook, right? RIGHT? And my first event was rapidly approaching. Of course I... Read More

The Fire Within Mobile Pizza Conference – Day 3
Oct 28, 2015The Fire Within mobile pizza Conference, attended by guest blogger, Kylie before the dragon wagon was born. Day 3 of 3 of the pizza workshop. Another breakfast of cinnamon buns and my new favorite fruit: pineapple before a short lecture on branding and the event we’ve all been waiting for: trust falls. No, seriously, it’s pizza time! We get a quick lesson from some Brava employees, who make it look... Read More

The Fire Within Mobile Pizza Conference – Day 2
Oct 20, 2015The Fire Within mobile pizza Conference, attended by guest blogger, Kylie before the dragon wagon was born. Day 2 of 3 of the pizza workshop. I will not lie and tell you that I didn’t wake up to the thrice darned alarm, playing soft, happy and entirely situation appropriate music, and regret staying up past 11 the night before. The 7:20 am wake up time hurts to remember (all you... Read More

The Fire Within Mobile Pizza Conference – Day 1
Jul 20, 2015The Fire Within mobile pizza Conference, attended by guest blogger, Kylie before the dragon wagon was born. Day 1 of 3 of the pizza workshop. Now that A Girl and Her Dragon Pizza is officially launched. Let me share with you one of the highlights of the journey so far: The Fire Within’s mobile pizza oven business and cooking workshop. My school is great, so nary a feather ruffles... Read More
And so it begins….A Girl and Her Dragon!
May 14, 2015And so it begins…. My quest began sometime in June 2014, sitting with a glass of lemonade and more family members than you could shake a pizza peel at. Before I finish that story, some background information is in order. My name is Kylie, Kylie Holland if you want to get fancy, Kylie Kies Holland if you’re my mother and I’ve misplaced something rather important, like a young cousin (it... Read More

A Girl and Her Dragon takes flight! – May 7th
May 08, 2015It’s official, Kylie’s Dragon has taken flight, (still waiting for the Dragon to be named). It started a little rocky, as debut’s often do, but, they got it straightened out fast and the launch of A Girl and her Dragon Wood Fired Pizza Catering was a fiery success. Over a hundred attendees and students at the Nueva School’s Quest night were able to take a break from seeing projects and grab a... Read More