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Next Week, Tony Gemignani

Written By Peter Reinhart
Thursday, 25 August 2011 Pizza Quest Info

In our never ending search to celebrate true pizza artisans and artisanship we’re very excited to announce that next week, on Sept. 1st., we begin our newest webisode series, this time featuring World Champion Pizzaiolo Tony Gemignani, owner of Tony’s Pizza Napolatana in San Francisco.  Tony is already well known to many as the amazing, many times World Champion acrobatic dough tossing master, featured often on The Tonight Show, Letterman,…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of August 22nd

As summer begins to wane and autumn slowly fades in through the falling and changing leaves (for me, summer seems to end when August ends, not on Sept. 21s), here at Pizza Quest we find ourselves in transition too, moving from the Central Coast of California up to San Francisco to visit with Tony Gemignani, for a whole new adventure and series of webisodes featuring this world champion pizzaiolo. On…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of August 15th

We left the Cass House Inn at the end of last week and are about to head back to San Francisco, where we’ll be spending some time with super pizzaiolo Tony Gemignani. But, before we get there, we have to return one final time for a little dessert at The Taco Temple (you didn’t think we were finished with that place, did you?). Owner/chef Adam Pollard bragged to us about…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of Aug. 8th

This week marks the final segment of the Cass House Inn webisode series, featuring a spectacular lamb loin, with ratatouille and raitta prepared by Chef Jensen that evokes all the flavors of the lamb pizza shown in an earlier episode. In other words, an upscale version, the papa bear, of what we experienced in its offspring downscale baby bear version in the earlier video segment. It brought our visit with…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of Aug. 1st

Wow–it’s August already, which is really hard to believe (other than by this relentless cross country heat wave, which confirms that it is, indeed, August). So, this week we have some fun new material to post, including a Peter’s Blog on Tuesday about my trip to Philadelphia and the incredible pizza I had at Osteria. Brad English is also lending me a photo or two of his recent visit to…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of July 25th

I’m back after some wonderful R&R, and we have lots of new postings for you this week, beginning on Tuesday with the latest Peter’s Blog about my recent trip to the Caribbean full of some pretty amazing non-pizza meals. Can’t wait to fill you in…. On Wednesday, we’ll be posting Brad’s latest creation — a barbecue pizza that meets Tom Carrig’s recent BBQ rant (see the Guest Columns archive) —…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of July 18th

It’s mid-summer now, the tomatoes are coming in like crazy, baseball has started its second season, football pre-season practice might actually get the green light this week, and everybody is trying to get some R&R. This week, I’m taking some time off from Pizza Quest and calling in to the bullpen for relief. Brad English will be doing a Brad’s Blog this week in place of the Peter’s Blog, and…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of July 11th

Welcome Back Everyone!  We have a full week of wonderful new content for you. In order, here’s what’s coming your way: Tuesday: Peter’s Blog, with some ruminations on the kid’s baking camp I’m teaching all this week at Johnson & Wales (including a big day of pizza baking). Wed: Fish tacos have been popping up on the site a lot these past few weeks, so Brad English has prepared a…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of July 4th

Happy Independence Day week!!!  I hope some of you are making grilled pizzas this year — let us know if you do. This week, on Thursday, we’ll be posting the next in our webisode series filmed in Cayucos, California.  Chef Jensen Lorenzen and his wife Grace, owners of the Cass House Inn, took me to the nearby Ruddell’s Smokehouse, where we had a great visit with Jim Ruddell and learned…Read More…

Coming Attractions, Week of June 27th

Welcome back! This week we’re featuring a tasty new photo recipe from Brad English on Quesadillas (the great Tex-Mex “pizza”). We’ll post that on Wednesday.  Also, a new instructional video featuring Joe D’Astice on Thursday using mozzarella curd to make a killer pizza. And I’ll be back with another Peter’s Blog, commenting further on the notion of “liquid bread.”  Next week we’ll resume our Cass House Inn webisode series. Still…Read More…

Pizza Quest Info


Vision Statement

Pizza Quest is a site dedicated to the exploration of artisanship in all forms, wherever we find it, but especially through the literal and metaphorical image of pizza. As we share our own quest for the perfect pizza we invite all of you to join us and share your journeys too. We have discovered that you never know what engaging roads and side paths will reveal themselves on this quest, but we do know that there are many kindred spirits out there, passionate artisans, doing all sorts of amazing things. These are the stories we want to discover, and we invite you to jump on the proverbial bus and join us on this, our never ending pizza quest.

Peter’s Books

American Pie
Artisan Breads Every Day
The Bread Bakers Apprentice
Brother Junipers Bread Book
Crust and Crumb
Whole Grain Breads

...and other books by Peter Reinhart, available on