Pizza Quest Homepage
Special Holiday Discount
Hi All, Just a quick announcement. I just heard from Craftsy that they are running a Memorial Weekend Sale and will be donating a portion from each sale to various veterans groups. Some of the courses are as much as 60% off. To check out their courses go to: This sale ends at midnight Monday. BTW, the free Mini-Pizza Course now has over 37,000 people enrolled — I’m blown…Read More…
Special Weekend Only Offer
Hi Everybody, A quick announcement: I mentioned in my previous posting that will be creating a free pizza mini-course with me soon (as a follow-up to my longer artisan breads course, which has just passed the 2,500 mark in sign-ups), but I just learned that they are also running a special holiday sale through Monday night (midnight), Nov. 26th. Not only is my course on sale but every course…Read More…
Next Peter’s Blog coming in a few days
Hi Everyone, Tonight at midnight is the celebration of Eastern Orthodox Easter (Pascha — yes, it’s one week later this year than the Western Easter, as they only fall on the same dates about once every 4 years) so I don’t have my Part 2 of last week’s blog ready yet. I’ll be working on it in a couple of days and get it posted as soon as I can….Read More…
News Update
Hi Everyone, A quick update to let you know that the IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) opened voting today to the general public to vote for your favorite food blog as well as cook book and a couple of other categories. We’d love your vote — Pizza Quest is already a nominee in the judges category but the People’s Choice Award would be even more meaningful. So please pass…Read More…
This Week on Pizza Quest
Usually, I post a new Peter’s Blog on Tuesdays but this week we received such a great Guest Column from our friend and frequent contributor, John Arena, that I wanted to post it ASAP, so I’m switching places with him (see below) and I’ll be back at the end of the week with my regular Peter’s Blog. In addition, Brad is currently in NYC on a filming project and is…Read More…
This Week on Pizza Quest
We’re taking a Thanksgiving break this week, questing for the perfect turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. I will, however, be doing some test baking this week with sprouted wheat flour crusts for the new pizza cafe project we’re opening here in Charlotte soon, so it won’t be a totally pizza free week. More on that in upcoming weeks. Meanwhile, this would be a great time for newcomers to…Read More…
Coming Attractions, Week of October 17th
Things get back to normal this week now that we’ve reported on our whirlwind trip to Denver and are settling back in. Our usual schedule is: Tuesday: Peter’s Blog Wednesday: Instructional or Recipes Thursday: Webisode or other videos Friday: Guest Column We don’t always have something every week for each of these sections, and we’re putting together our content now for this week, so keep checking back to see what’s…Read More…
Recap of Denver coming Tuesday
Hi Everyone, Just got back from Denver, where we did, indeed, film the “Big Reveal” with Kelly Whitaker and Alan Henken (Pizzeria Basta), and Patrick Rue (The Bruery). It was a smashing success (yes, pun intended)! If you are just joining us for the first time, read about everything leading up to the climactic event in my previous Peter’s Blogs of the past few weeks. I know I promised to…Read More…
Coming Attractions, Week of Sept. 26th
This is going to be a wild week for us, as we head to Denver on Friday to film the final stage of the great Pizza/Beer Challenge. I’ll try to blog from there on Saturday, after the event (see the recent Peter’s Blog for details on where and when we’ll be filming, baking, and drinking the first Birra Basta). So, no promises, but our plan is a new Peter’s Blog…Read More…
Coming Attractions, Week of Sept. 19th
This week we’re taking a break from the Tony G. webisode series but will be posting some other interesting and cool stuff for you before we return to him the following week: On Tuesday, as usual, Peter’s Blog will be back with more on the upcoming Pizza/Beer Challenge in Denver. On Wednesday, another recipe from Brad, our intrepid home cook, eternally in search of the perfect home pizza. On Thursday,…Read More…