Toscana Introduced
Mar 05, 2005Posted by Forno BravoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Press Contact:
Tammy Murphy
Forno Bravo, LLC
(800) 407-5119
Forno Bravo Introduces Toscana; A Fully-Assembled Ready to Cook Pizza Oven
Mar. 5, 2005. Windsor, CA. Forno Bravo, LLC, a leading provider of Italian-made pizza ovens for pizzerias, restaurants and homeowners, introduced a line of fully preassembled ovens, and the first one has been built and installed. This is exciting. The oven looks really nice, and of course it takes all the hassle (fun?) out of doing the installation. You could think of it as the opposite end of the spectrum from the Pompeii oven. We decided to call it the Toscana oven.
The Toscana ovens are based on our Casa line of precast ovens and are available in 35″ (90cm) and 39″ (100cm) sizes. They come on a metal stand, with detachable legs and are finished in a nice white stucco Igloo and brick arch. The first customer set his in place on a block stand using a warehouse lift (stacker). We set it on his trailer, and it was on the stand in Sacramento the next day, and ready for a daughter’s birthday party.
Different circumstances call for different types of ovens, and I think the Toscana meets a real need — a great-looking oven that is easy to install and ready to cook. I have thought there was a need for this oven for a while, so it feels good to see it come to life.
The Toscana ovens are available in the Forno Bravo Store.
About Forno Bravo, LLC
Forno Bravo is a leading provider of wood and gas-fired pizza ovens for pizzerias, restaurants and homeowners is located in Windsor, CA. The company has developed partnerships with Italy’s leading producers of ovens, pizza oven tools and accessories, and pizza ingredients. Through its sales and service centers located in the Northern California wine country, Cumbria, England and Auckland, New Zealand, and dealers throughout the world, the company ships pizza ovens to the entire English-speaking world. James Bairey, a former Silicon Valley entrepreneur who helped launch numerous successful computer companies, founded Forno Bravo in 2004.
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