Less than a week away! Wow! The 2019 International Pizza Expo is right around the corner and we’re getting ready to rock it with Chef Leo Spizzirri and his crew. Come watch the demos in person* or see the live streams on the Forno Bravo Facebook page March 5th – 7th, 2019.
The “Expo Experience” Video
Take a quick look back with us at Chef Leo’s 2018 live demos and remember the fun. Hang onto your hats, we’re going for a ride!
Master Istruttore Spizzirri’s 2019 Demo Schedule
Chef Leo will be offering multiple live cooking demos at the Forno Bravo Expo Booth (#1173), as well as at additional booths around the show. The morning demos in custom-tiled, Forno Bravo Napoli120 will be more technically-oriented to improve your dough-making and wood-fired cooking skills; the afternoons will be full-on, high-energy pizza parties that everyone will enjoy! You can see the whole schedule below and come learn from a Master Instructor and World Pizza Champion!