Pizza Talk
Pizza Talk: Steve and Linda Green of PMQ on Keeping Up with the Big Guys
PMQ (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) is one of the “bibles” of the industry, informative and influential. The founders and publishers are Steve and Linda Green, based in Oxford, MS. PMQ, which is not only a magazine but also a newsletter and information consolidator, exists for the purpose of helping the thousands of independent operators compete with the major pizza chains. In this engaging conversation, Steve and Linda tell their whole story…Read More…
Pizza Talk: Albert Grande, the Pizza Therapist is one of the most beloved pizza sites on the web. It was founded by Albert Grande, a Hawaiian transplant from the East Coast who just really missed his pizza and, as the saying goes, the rest is history, including Albert’s work on Oahu with children who have learning challenges (pizza therapy at its finest!). Over the years he has interviewed many of the pizza greats on his site…Read More…
Pizza Talk: Peter Lachapelle and The Pizza Expo
Pizza Expo comes up a lot on Pizza Talk interviews, especially because the unthinkable happened and, this year, it got canceled. For over 30 years Expo has been the largest gathering of pizza professionals, enthusiasts, and all around pizza freaks in the world, and has been featured on many television shows and is an indispensable event for independent operators to secure contracts, ingredients, equipment, and (importantly) new ideas. I think…Read More…
Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener #7: Is a Bag a Box?
Before there were pizza boxes there were pizza bags, and Scott is back to tell us all about them. He even has a beautiful bag from Brazil to show us so, who knows, maybe when we run out of Scott’s 1,500 box collection we can start a new show all about bags. As we often say on Pizza Talk, you never where the quest will lead….
Pizza Talk: Anthony Falco, “International Pizza Consultant”
Here at Pizza Talk we love that Anthony Falco, like Babe Ruth, called his own shot and hit it out of the park. A few years ago, after an illustrious career at Roberta’s and other pizza palaces, he declared himself an “International Pizza Consultant” and, guess what? The consulting opportunities began rolling in. Of course, he could actually walk the talk, so this was no empty boast, and Anthony has…Read More…
Pizza Talk: Laura Meyer, The Protege’ Comes into Her Own
Laura Meyer has worked with Tony Genignani for many years and is both a protege’ and a prodigy. In this fascinating conversation, Laura talks about her personal journey and the process of finding her own award-winning “voice” while also helping Tony build one of the most important pizza brands and training programs in the world. Laura is also one of a growing number of women stars in the pizza community…Read More…
Pizza Box of the Week, with Scott Wiener, #6
This week Scott shares with us the story of the first box from his Guinness World Records collection and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s from, yes, Pizza Hut — from their Rocketeer promotion back in the early 1990’s. I’ll let Scott fill in the rest of the story as he continues his weekly unveiling on Pizza Box of the Week. Take it away Scott!
Pizza Talk: Chris Bianco and Rob Dinapoli, Together!
We’ve had both Chris Bianco and Rob Dinapoli on Pizza Talk individually, hearing from each how they came together to collaborate on their game-changing Bianco-DiNapoli Tomatoes. This time around we get to hear the whole story from them together and, of course, much much more, including an update on the These Hands movement. This pandemic crisis has hit everyone hard and, at the time of this interview, the city of Phoenix,…Read More…
Pizza Talk: The Legendary Paulie Gee
Everybody loves Paulie Gee (aka Paul Giannone), the Brooklyn-based pizza entrepreneur and now padrone of a multi-unit pizza empire. There are so many reasons to love Paulie, including his back story as an unfulfilled businessman who found his path and his passion late in life, to his influence on the up and coming generation of pizza operators who view his ethos as a model and template worth following, and, of…Read More…
Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener, #5
Scott Wiener is back, this time with a Schiacciata box from Sicily (oh, what a life he leads, tracking and eating pizzas around the world and then bringing back boxes to add to his collection, which now numbers more than 1,500)! Also, don’t forget to check out Scott’s non profit website, which is used to feed people, and especially now via his Pizza vs Pandemic initiative, to get free…Read More…
More Articles...
- Pizza Talk: Kelly Whitaker, James Beard Award Chef Finalist and Pizzaiolo Extraordinaire
- Pizza Talk: Sourdough Pizza with Dan and the Yodi’s’s, Part 2
- Pizza Box of the Week #4: Hey, Who is that Dawg?
- Pizza Talk: Sourdough Pizza: The Yodi’s Meet with Dan Richer
- Pizza Talk: Sourdough Pizza with Dan Richer and Razza
- Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener, #3