Pizza Quest Globe

Pizza Talk: Peter Lachapelle and The Pizza Expo

Written By Peter Reinhart
Tuesday, 21 July 2020 Pizza Talk

Pizza Expo comes up a lot on Pizza Talk interviews, especially because the unthinkable happened and, this year, it got canceled. For over 30 years Expo has been the largest gathering of pizza professionals, enthusiasts, and all around pizza freaks in the world, and has been featured on many television shows and is an indispensable event for independent operators to secure contracts, ingredients, equipment, and (importantly) new ideas. I think of it as a “gathering of the tribe.” Every day during the Expo over 10,000 people gather in the Las Vegas Convention Center to make deals, swap war stories, and to eat great pizza (and now also other baked goods, as The Artisan Bakery Expo has been attached as part of the event).

Peter (“Pete”) Lachapelle is not only the Executive Editor at Pizza Today Magazine but is also the “overlord” of Pizza Expo. In this riveting conversation, Pete shares the anguish of canceling this year’s Expo and talks about what lies ahead.

Pizza Quest Info


Vision Statement

Pizza Quest is a site dedicated to the exploration of artisanship in all forms, wherever we find it, but especially through the literal and metaphorical image of pizza. As we share our own quest for the perfect pizza we invite all of you to join us and share your journeys too. We have discovered that you never know what engaging roads and side paths will reveal themselves on this quest, but we do know that there are many kindred spirits out there, passionate artisans, doing all sorts of amazing things. These are the stories we want to discover, and we invite you to jump on the proverbial bus and join us on this, our never ending pizza quest.

Peter’s Books

American Pie
Artisan Breads Every Day
The Bread Bakers Apprentice
Brother Junipers Bread Book
Crust and Crumb
Whole Grain Breads

...and other books by Peter Reinhart, available on