Pizza Quest Globe

Pizza Quest with Peter Reinhart

Pizza Talk: Nina Mae Levin, the Founder of Stoney Hill Pizza on Martha’s Vineyard

Written By Peter Reinhart
Friday, 25 June 2021 Pizza Talk

Hi Everybody, Welcome back to Season Two of Pizza Talk!! We took a longer than expected break due to a crazy busy schedule and the reopening of commerce, so we’re going to kick off this new season with some episodes that were recorded in the fall of 2020, when things weren’t looking as hopeful as they do now, so you will hear references to pivoting and resilience, but these conversations…Read More…

Pizza Box of the Week #26: From Mona Lisa to George Clooney

Written By Peter Reinhart
Saturday, 19 December 2020 Pizza Talk

This week’s episode features a whole new level of pizza box art, as you will see. I don’t want to say too much here, as it will ruin the surprise, but here are some clues and new words to add to your pizza lexicon: Calda Pizza; the “Walker-Lock” design; George Clooney, and Lake Como.  Put them all together, as Scott Wiener will do for your here, and you are in…Read More…

Another Rest in Peace: Tom Lehmann, “The Dough Doctor”

Written By Peter Reinhart
Thursday, 17 December 2020 Peter's Blog

This has been a brutal year for so many of us and, with great sadness, we say farewell to the beloved “Dough Doctor,” Tom Lehmann, who succumbed to Covid last week. I had the privilege to sit on a few dough panels with Tom, who knew more about dough science than all of us combined, and who took such pleasure in sharing his knowledge with the world. He is the…Read More…

No Pizza Box of the Week this week

Written By Peter Reinhart
Saturday, 12 December 2020 Pizza Talk

Due to the crazy holiday push we will not be posting a Pizza Box the Week with Scott Wiener this week. However, please rejoin us next Saturday, Dec. 19, for another post, featuring the famous George Clooney box from Scott’s collection. I will say no more — you will need to return next week to see it for yourself. Till then, have a great week! NOTE: New episodes of Pizza…Read More…

Rest in Peace, Shawn Randazzo

Written By Peter Reinhart
Monday, 07 December 2020 Peter's Blog

It is with great sadness that I report on the passing of Shawn Randazzo, who we interviewed here on Pizza Talk just a few months ago. Shawn, as we discussed during the interview, was in treatment for glioblastoma brain cancer and had high hopes for a full recovery, but it was not to be. Our hearts are broken for him and for his family, wife Kerri,, and their four children….Read More…

Pizza Box of the Week #25: The Winterland Holiday Box

Written By Peter Reinhart
Saturday, 05 December 2020 Pizza Talk

Scott Wiener has often discussed pizza boxes not just in terms of functionality but also as works of art, and in this segment he brings such a box. As you will see, it is special edition box designed specifically for use during the holiday season conveys, in its own way, a sense of peace and tranquility. Since we can all use more of that, this is the ideal episode for…Read More…

Pizza Talk, Season One has ended and we’re going on a short hiatus

Written By Peter Reinhart
Tuesday, 24 November 2020 Pizza Talk

Hi Everybody, Wow, I can’t believe how many amazing people I got to spend time with over Zoom these past few months, and how much I learned! Pizza Talk was a spur of the moment idea, inspired by the pandemic and it’s disruption in our sense of community. We just wanted to contribute to keeping us all connected during this crazy time in history and the conversations I had with…Read More…

Pizza Box of the Week # 24: Sam’s in Brooklyn — a Classic!

Written By Peter Reinhart
Saturday, 21 November 2020 Pizza Talk

This week, Scott brings us one from his own backyard, a box from Sam’s Pizza in Brooklyn that is so full of cliched images that it has become the reference point for all pizza box art cliches and, yet, strangely, it works. This box even became a template for the cover of a new book about pizza by Thom and James Elliot called, Pizza: A Book by Pizza Pilgrims (Note:…Read More…

Pizza Talk: Will Grant and Sourdough Pizza

Written By Peter Reinhart
Thursday, 19 November 2020 Pizza Talk

Will  Grant burst on the culinary scene about 4 years ago when he started winning competitions with pizzas made on his 100% sourdough crust, whose starter was cultivated at his pizzeria, That’s a’ Some Pizza, on Bainbridge Island, Washington. The starter is a family legacy and Will is one of several pizza influencers, such as Anthony Mangieri, Dan Richer, Anthony Falco, and others whom we’ve featured here on Pizza Talk,…Read More…

Pizza Talk: Apollonia Poilane, Keeping Tradition Alive for the Future

Written By Peter Reinhart
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 Pizza Talk

Pizza Quest and Pizza Talk have always been about more than pizza. On our home page we write about, “Celebrating artisanship wherever we find it,” because artisans are our real community of kindred spirits, of which pizza is but one spoke (albeit, a very large spoke!). But another big spoke is, of course, the bread baking community and, in that branch of our family there is one name that towers…Read More…

Pizza Quest Info


Vision Statement

Pizza Quest is a site dedicated to the exploration of artisanship in all forms, wherever we find it, but especially through the literal and metaphorical image of pizza. As we share our own quest for the perfect pizza we invite all of you to join us and share your journeys too. We have discovered that you never know what engaging roads and side paths will reveal themselves on this quest, but we do know that there are many kindred spirits out there, passionate artisans, doing all sorts of amazing things. These are the stories we want to discover, and we invite you to jump on the proverbial bus and join us on this, our never ending pizza quest.

Peter’s Books

American Pie
Artisan Breads Every Day
The Bread Bakers Apprentice
Brother Junipers Bread Book
Crust and Crumb
Whole Grain Breads

...and other books by Peter Reinhart, available on