Pizza Quest with Peter Reinhart
Respect the Craft
Respect The Craft So many things about pizza run through my mind each day, but lately, I’ve been thinking about pizza as a craft. I laugh when I see people, writers, critics, or bloggers comparing pizzas from different pizzerias when I believe that they should be celebrating pizza in it’s entirety. In the restaurant business we call it the uneducated palate. Understanding all the details of different styles is so…Read More…
Where in the world is Peter
Here I am in Istanbul, sailing on the Bosphorus toward the Prince Islands, with the famous Hagia Sophia Church in the background. Look for this image of me in future “Where in the world is Peter” postings.
Ricotta-Parmesan Pizza
In this video you will see Joseph Pergolizzi making a wonderful, “white” pizza in one of own wood-fired oven rigs, using creamy ricotta cheese (reegoata, as he calls it) and fresh heirloom tomatoes, harvested that very day, as well as locally grown mushrooms. We loved it (it would be hard not to)!!! We filmed this at the end of a three day “Fire Within Owners Conference,” for people who own and…Read More…
Our First Quest
As Brad told you, these photos are from our very first quest, during the summer of 2009. We traveled from LA to San Francisco, with many stops in-between, and met quite number of interesting people, many of them not shown here in these photos (for instance, we had some great slices at the legendary Cheese Board in Berkeley, on their wonderful sourdough crust–we’ll have that for you in a subsequent…Read More…
Welcome to the Pizza Quest Instructionals
Welcome Everyone, This is where we will be posting recipes and instructional videos by many of the guests featured on the Pizza Quest webisodes. It is also a place where you can comment and share your own thoughts or questions regarding the featured recipes, as well tips and tricks of your own. Considering the collective knowledge and wisdom possessed by the Pizza Quest community, this should be a very exciting…Read More…
Country Pizza Dough
This is one of the doughs we used at The Fire Within Conference in Boulder, in October, 2010, featured in a number of our instructional videos. The conference was attended by owners of the fabulous mobile pizza rigs you will see in the video, created by Joseph Pergolizzi and his team of craftsmen. There are now close to 100 of these rigs in operation throughout the USA and Canada, and…Read More…
Welcome to My Pizza Quest Blog
Hi Again, This is the place where I’ll be posting some commentary and thoughts of my own, separate from the webisodes and instructional sections. It is also a way for you to link over to my personal blog, where I write about all sorts of things not related to Pizza Quest. That site is at But on this Pizza Quest blog I’ll share things related to our search for…Read More…
Pizza and Obsession Gallery
Welcome to the Pizza Quest Photo Gallery! As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”, so we’re going to let these photos, and the ones to come, help tell the stories for us. The Gallery will serve as our Pizza Quest photo album, capturing the flavors of each journey we go on. We also want to encourage you to send us your best pizza photos and we’ll…Read More…
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Credits and Special Thanks!
David G. Wilson — Co-Director, DP “Thank you! Pizza Quest is unbelievably better than it could ever be because of your dedication!” Sven Shelgren — Executive Producer – RCR Productions “We couldn’t have done this without your help and guidance!” OUR CREW: Todd Hollien — Camera Operator Willie Tipp — Camera Operator Scott Tuke — DP/Camera Operator Drew Landis — Camera Operator Drew Levinson — Sound SPECIAL THANKS: Forno…Read More…