Gerald R’s Award Winning Primavera Oven
“We designed and built our pergola this winter. We hoped to have many pizza parties this summer. Well…the parties haven’t happened for reasons we all understand, but our weekly bake day has. It’s taken us a bit to learn how to fire the oven and time our dough so that it’s ready when the oven is, but we have figured it out, and we are getting great results. On a typical bake day – we can bake a couple batches of Naan while the oven cools, then have plenty of heat left for at least two batches of bread. Our oven performs beautifully.
We haven’t bought a loaf of bread this year!”
Name: Gerald R
Oven: Primavera70
Location: Indianola, WA
*Gerald’s photos were one of the Top 3 winners in our 2020 Summer Photo Contest. What a beautiful build!