Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener
Written By Scott Wiener
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Pizza Talk
This week Scott celebrates his favorite pizza box artist of all time, Luca Chancho. Who is Luca Chancho, you might ask? You’ll have to tune in and watch this episode but you are sure to not only learn something about pizza box art but, also, have a new appreciation of the term “story board.” Take it away, Scott….
Recent Articles by Scott Wiener
- Pizza Box of the Week #23: When Brooklyn is in Canada
- Pizza Box of the Week # 20: A Box Within a Box Within a Box
- Pizza Box of the Week #19: Is it a Book or is it a Box?
- Pizza Box of the Week #16: The Moped Motorino Box from France
- Pizza Box of the Week #15: The Ventit Box — and How to Re-Heat a Pizza
- Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener, #14: Famous O’s, Karachi, Pakistan