Pizza Box of the Week #23: When Brooklyn is in Canada
This week Scott Wiener takes us, via his pizza box collection, to two north of the border pizzerias that both evoke Brooklyn, NY as their ethos and as part of their brand names. So what is it about Brooklyn pizza that gives it its iconic status as a cultural reference point? It seems, as you will see, that a pizza box truly can open the door to deep (or not so deep) philosophical questions like these, as we discover in this week’s episode of Pizza Box of the Week. Also, for old timers like me, notice the evocation and synthesis of the old Brooklyn Dodgers and the “Straight out of Compton” Los Angeles cross-reference — really brilliant marketing, when you think about it. Ahh, pizza makes so many things possible….
Recent Articles by Scott Wiener
- Pizza Box of the Week #23: When Brooklyn is in Canada
- Pizza Box of the Week # 20: A Box Within a Box Within a Box
- Pizza Box of the Week #19: Is it a Book or is it a Box?
- Pizza Box of the Week #16: The Moped Motorino Box from France
- Pizza Box of the Week #15: The Ventit Box — and How to Re-Heat a Pizza
- Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener, #14: Famous O’s, Karachi, Pakistan