Pizza Box of the Week #16: The Moped Motorino Box from France
Written By Scott Wiener
Saturday, 26 September 2020
Pizza Talk
Scott is back with another very cool, colorful box, this time from Paris, France. As you will see, it captures the essence of pizza delivery in a bustling city, in a simple yet elegantly designed box. As always, these boxes open our eyes and minds to an important part of popular culture, and Scott is the perfect guide to help us navigate through this contemporary art form.
PS Don’t forget to support Scott’s work at, where all money raised is used to buy pizza to feed front line medical workers. Thank you, Scott!
Recent Articles by Scott Wiener
- Pizza Box of the Week #23: When Brooklyn is in Canada
- Pizza Box of the Week # 20: A Box Within a Box Within a Box
- Pizza Box of the Week #19: Is it a Book or is it a Box?
- Pizza Box of the Week #16: The Moped Motorino Box from France
- Pizza Box of the Week #15: The Ventit Box — and How to Re-Heat a Pizza
- Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener, #14: Famous O’s, Karachi, Pakistan