Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener #11: The Chicago Deep Dish Box
Written By Scott Wiener
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Pizza Talk
Scott Wiener is back with another one of his more than 1,500 boxes, this time paying homage to classic Chicago-style deep dish pizza. When you think about it, these tall, heavy pizzas need a box of their own, strong enough to stand up to the unique size and weight. And Scott is here to tell us all about them in another episode of Pizza Box of the Week. Take it away, Scott!
Recent Articles by Scott Wiener
- Pizza Box of the Week #23: When Brooklyn is in Canada
- Pizza Box of the Week # 20: A Box Within a Box Within a Box
- Pizza Box of the Week #19: Is it a Book or is it a Box?
- Pizza Box of the Week #16: The Moped Motorino Box from France
- Pizza Box of the Week #15: The Ventit Box — and How to Re-Heat a Pizza
- Pizza Box of the Week with Scott Wiener, #14: Famous O’s, Karachi, Pakistan