Your Forno Bravo oven is shipped by truck to your home or business using Curbside Service.
You will be informed by Forno Bravo when the oven has left our warehouse, and you will also receive a telephone call from the shipping company a few days before the oven is scheduled to arrive, so that you can arrange a delivery time to meet the shipper. The shipping company will place the oven using a liftgate truck on a driveway or sidewalk, as close as possible to your home or business. Some oven models are too heavy for a liftgate, and will require you to provide a fork truck to remove them from the back of the truck or flatbed. Your Forno Bravo Customer Support agent will alert you to your oven’s specific requirements in advance.
Receiving Your Oven or Fireplace
When your shipment arrives at the carrier’s destination terminal, the carrier company will call to arrange an appointment for delivery. Please select a time that is convenient for you and that will allow you the time you need to uncrate and inspect the oven while the carrier is still present.
Please note that Forno Bravo cannot be responsible for damage claims found after the carrier has left the site. The carrier will not process a claim for a shipment that has been signed for and accepted as undamaged.
Before the carrier’s driver leaves, inspect the shipping crate for any signs of mishandling or damage. There will be a Shockwatch Indicator label on the crate, where RED Indicates rough handling. If the Shockwatch Indicator is RED, if the Shockwatch Indicator is MISSING, or if there is visible damage to the crate, make a note on the Bill of Lading.
Remove the top panel of the crate using a screwdriver, and check the product for damage. Ensure that there are no visible dents, chips, or cracks on the product.
If there is any damage to the product, REJECT the delivery and fill out the Claim Form that is with the crate. Take digital pictures if possible. The enclosed Claim Form must be completed while the carrier is on site so that we can complete an insurance claim for damage. We will ship you a complete replacement product.
Curing Your Oven
It is essential that you properly cure your oven before you start using it. The curing process involves building a series of long and low fires, which bakes out water used in the manufacturing process.
Failure to properly cure your oven can result in significant oven damage and can void your oven warranty.
If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or by email.
The Service and Support Team
Forno Bravo, LLC
(800) 407-5119