Pizza Talk, Season Two, Episode 3: Peels on Wheels
Welcome back for another fascinating segment of Pizza Talk. This time around we tracked down one of the most unique operations in the country, not because it is a mobile pizzeria but because of how the owner, Luis Perez, makes it happen using 4 single unit RoccBox ovens mounted into a 3-wheeled Piaggio Ape van in Rochester, NY. It basically looks like a rocket ship — I love it!!
I won’t steal Luis’s thunder but will let him tell you the whole story and show you how it works. BTW, we recorded this last fall, at the end of his first season, and a lot more has happened since for Luis as the truck is about to become a “pizza garage.” We’ll bring him back in the future or you can follow his unfolding story on Instagram @peelsonwheelspizza
Innovation and creativity — this story feels like the American Dream, circa 2021. Enjoy!!
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